Mar 2021 Out there

Out there forests and always new colours. Life and harsh beauty. Cold northerly winds. A sense of The spirit of the wild. The creative and non-predictable – non controlable. Humbleness and open senses. New skills arrive. As experianced in the last frontier and the northwest. This is why we do what we do. Always. It [Läs mer…]

Feb 2021 Frystorkning

När tjällossning inträffar tidigt under vintern och samtidigt med varma vindar, avdunstar såväl snö som markfukt snabbt. En sådan period åtföljd av en period av kyla (minusgrader) innebär en variant av frystorkning i skog och mark. En slags intensiv vårtorka inträffar innan våren ens har kommit igång och en ev. egentlig vårtorka. Kommer inte ny [Läs mer…]

Nov 2020 The forest

Worth publishing in our list. A story that wraps it up. Through time for us. In some fundamental skills for us. See it. Critical habitat And read Alan Honick’s review about the story he share. Thanks. (read here Seeing the forest) We follow the battle of the last continuous forests along the hi slopes of the [Läs mer…]

Jul 2020 Woodland forest calibration

Science also have to be beautiful. Or simply just IS. We believe the driving force for deeper knowledge into our nature is that senses are looking for harmonies. And when found, something genuinely good happens. It can exist in music, visual image aesthetics, mathematics, solutions graphs or figures, or just great memories in our minds. [Läs mer…]

Maj 2020 Feel-good movie clip

English summary: Sometimes a movie clip stands out, and very rarely we share from the media flow. But this one has several striking dimensions to us now. The first link below reveals a solid driving force, a vision, a great idea and especially a tone and rythm that we completely share. Please see it and [Läs mer…]

Apr 2020 Hedersskogvaktarn

English summary: Great Grey owl, Strix nebulosa, thrive for a while. A pleasant verification of what we are doing – and how we do it – it seems not too bad at all! Thee old forester on an inspection visit. Attention. Salute. När hedersskogvaktarn har besökt oss, inspekterat, synat av markerna och beviljat godkänt så [Läs mer…]

Mar 2020 Infraljud

Infraljud och lågfrekvent buller! This note is about low frequency noise (infrasound), please contact us if further interested in the forest and antropogene sound landscape. Det är angeläget att beskriva den vackra och innehållsrika skogen. Så många skeenden pågår i vårt samhälle att en frisk, välmående och vacker skog kanske nu mer än någonsin måste förklaras. [Läs mer…]

Jan 2020 Happy new year

Our work of seeing the forest behind the trees makes a whole lot of sense as winter reach its expected high point and some holidays passes through. The importance of healthy forests and their ecosystems increases as we step into a new decade! Regardless of being far north or in rather city close forests. Green [Läs mer…]

Dec 2019 Many interests

In this branch of natural resources and how humans relate to them it is apparent that many of us now are deeply concerned and; to find new innovative ways on how to actually treat earth well – in the extension – how to minimize ”bad stuff”. Or in modern terminology: to be ”better than just [Läs mer…]

Okt 2019 Avräkning Alfrida m m

This short note summarizes the final at terminal surveyed and cleared volume from actions winter 2019 until july, included storm ”Alfrida” fellings. Please contact us if further interested in commersial and small scale sustainable forestry. Avräkning gallringar vintern 2019 inklusive stormfällen Alfrida, motormanuellt hugget (ofta svårtillgängligt) och upparbetat. Inmätt kvantitet leveransvirke registrerat per 30 juni [Läs mer…]